Detritus [de·tri·tus /dəˈtrīdəs/]
Waste or debris of any kind
Mapping Awareness: Social Objects and Detritus is co-curated by Jodi McCoy and Shauna Le Ann Smith
Rooted in our connection to place, Mapping Awareness: Social Objects and Detritus explores the cartographical nature of marking cultural detritus with social objects through the interdisciplinary practices of Catherine Reinhart and Giovanni Valderas.
Detritus is evident in Reinhart and Valderas’ work formally, functionally, and conceptually. Visually each piece suggests different stages of wear, from unnoticed internal wear as seen in Reinhart’s Traces to seemingly destabilizing wear as seen in Valderas’ Machine Politic (Patojo Terco). Each artist stands as a steadfast advocate for their communities and uses their work to build awareness around systematic cultural erosion. Reinhart leverages her art practice to draw attention to social values and norms related to the caregiving and domestic labor conducted primarily by women. Valderas engages the Latinx community at large through his use of pinatas and Spanish idioms. While each artist's work exposes detritus, the dense organization of fibers and wood highlight how networks of connection create structure and strength. This meeting of wearing down and building together is necessary to create better features.
The concept of social objects explored in this exhibition supports the notion that artists can create objects that function beyond traditional understandings and act as a catalyst for new ways of connecting. Reinhart’s Collective Mending and Valderas’ Casita Triste stand out as social objects—objects that push beyond normal functionality and lead to actual social impact. Are you part of a community experiencing detritus? How would you mark the detritus in your life?